Get this song by Umu Obiligbo titled Uto Uwa. Umu Obiligbo are Nigeria duo singer and Highlife musicians named Chukwuebuka Akunwafor Obiligbo and Ifeanyichukwu Okpuozor Obiligbo. They are known for their highlife songs, performances and their Igbo approach to music. The song will make your playlist if love good music.
Use the link below to stream and download Uto Uwa by Umu Obiligbo.
Lyrics Of Uto Uwa by Umu Obiligbo
Iyee Iyee eh Ahh Umu Obiligbo a bia go kwe Ahhh a eh Solshyne on the beat eh Eh Ima chu otu si e chu ego I ji e lieh ego Isi na za za za Adi e me Eh ah
Onye chi melu eze bu ya a ga e chi eze Ah eh Asim a na esi bubu ngor Adi eme Ye me ma ncha Ah eh ah ah Ana zo eze azor Unu ma na adi eme ya eme ma nchia Ana zo eze azor Onye din ndu ona fu chukwu Ah eh ah ahh Iyee eh eeeee I Yoko na iyokoko Unu amago kwelie Na umu obiligbo aghast Onye gwalumbo ga Eri gu afor Eh ah ah Onye chulu ego ga ebute ego Ofu oyi’m na gwamu Nama like ki ego Nwe juo ya oyi’m E like li ego Agam ebu uwa ole Etu uwa si dobe isi Uto uwa bu igaga Echi gbagba mu we gbalu na Uto awa bu ego Bebe be ah Onye police ona ju di ego Bebe be aghh Iyee Onye agbolo ona chodi nma Bebe be aghh Nju Zie gi na umu nwayi ona ju di onu Bebe be aghh Nju zie nu guys anyi ga gbala onu Bebe be aghh Ehh… Ima na oseti go Ehh ah ah aye Nwanne oseti go Ehh ah ah aye, okwu uzor, nwannem ima na oseti go Eh ah ah aye, etu Uwa si dobe isi Uto uwa bu ego I love you no matter no matter Bu kwa ma igi di ego Bebe be ah I give you my soul and body bu kwa ma igi di ego Bebe be ah Ebulu ogbei Choba love gi ka ike ga gwu Bèbe be ah Ego Amala ya ka anyi gi ege nu eh eh Bebe be ah Aghhhhh Ima kwa na osi emem Bebe be ah Ina etum onye ana Elie gi, oga ge enwe anchuli Bebe be ah, ide kwa na ina yo nma ya ka ina etui ehh Ehhh Ima kwa na osi emem Bebe be ah Ehhhh Iya ka ine eme eh Nwannem gi echuba ego, iburu phone naka Choba onye igi akocha, ebe ona chu ego onwele onye melu ibe ya Owu sa gi nwannem iga Awota ife afu ngi acho ego Hagi okwu okwu Ima na owu adilo nma ma nchia Eyia ah eh Ima na owu adilo nma ma nchia Ah eh ah Ana zor eze azor Unu ma na adi eme ya eme ma nchia Ana zor eze azor Onye di ndu ona fu chukwu ah eh Ah eh ah ah, bebe be Onye police ona ju di ego Bebe be ah Onye agbolo ona cho di nma Bebe be ah Nju zie nu gi umu nwayi ona ju di onu Bebe be ah Nju zie nu guys, anyi ga gbala onu Bebe be ahh
            DOWNLOAD SONG Okwu Ba Na Ego by Umu Obiligbo Mp3 Download Get this song by Umu Obiligbo titled Okwu Ba Na Ego. Umu Obiligbo are Nigeria duo singer and Highlife musicians named Chukwuebuka Akunwafor Obiligbo and Ifeanyichukwu Okpuozor Obiligbo. They […]