Get this song by Solomon Lange titled Imela. Solomon Lange is a top Nigerian gospel singer, songwriter and motivational speaker. He hails from Wasa, Kaduna State, North Central Nigeria The song will make your playlist if love good music.
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Lyrics Of Imela by Solomon Lange
There’s a new song in my mouth today A song of praise in my mouth today You’ve added another day unto my days You’ve added another year unto my years You pick me from the Mary Cliff You set me up on a rock to stay You turn my life around You put new song in my mouth
Baba you are you worthy of my praise Imela ooo Imela ooo Imela ooo Adupe oo Adupe oo Nagode oo Nagode oo Nagode oo
Jehovah my father, you are my great provider Jehovah my father, you have turned my life around You pick me from dunkhill and set me on floor You pick me from the back side and you brought me through the front
Baba you worthy of my praise Imela oo (worthy of my praise) Imela oo (Baba I give you all the praises) Imela oo Adupe oo Adupe oo Nagode oo Nagode oo Nagode oo
Baba you are worthy of the glory Imela oo (You are worthy of thy glory) Imelaoo (Papa we give you all thy glory) Imela oo (We give all thy adoration) Adupe oo (Baba receive all our thanks) Adupe oo (Nagode) Nagode oo (Messiah I love you) Imela oo (Messiah I love you) Imela oo (baba I give you all my dancing) Imela oo Adupe oo Adupe oo Nagode oo Nagode oo Nagode oo
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