Get this song by Sammie Okposo titled Oluwa e tobi. Sammie Okposo (30 May 1971 – 25 November 2022) was a Nigerian gospel artist. Okposo was also a music producer, psalmist, and CEO of Zamar Entertainment. He released his debut album, Unconditional Love in 2000 and his sophomore album Addicted in 2004.The song will make your playlist if love good music.
Use the link below to stream and download Oluwa e tobi by Sammie Okposo.
Lyrics Of Oluwa e tobi by Sammie Okposo
Come on come on eh Everybody clap your hands eh eh clap your hands come on now Everybody say clap your hands everybody Clap your hands everybody eh eh eh eh come on
Great are you lord The universe declares your majesty Who can compare we searched all over Ko se ni to da bi re
Demons tremble at the mention of your name Mountains crumble at the sound of your voice Our battles are won by the power of Your mighty hand We are strong cause we have a very big God
Oluwa Oluwa e to bi e to bi o e to bi o e to bi o e to bi o Oluwa Oluwa e to bi e to bi o e to bi o e to bi o e to bi o Ko se ni ta le fi Ko se ni ta le fi sakawe re o e tobi o Ko se ni ta le fi Ko se ni ta le fi sakawe re o e tobi o
Common let the horns blow ha ha Common iyelele iyelele iyelele oluwa eto bi o hehe tere sera sera baba
You are Alagbada Ina o Alagbada Ina that’s who you are Oba Iyanu that’s your name Eledumare yes lord Aterere kari aye common now Olori aye olori aye Moju bare o moju bare o Ka bi yo osi common
Demons tremble demons tremble at the mention of your name Mountains crumble mountains crumble at the sound of Your voice Our battles our battles are won by the power of your by the power of your mighty hand We are strong cause we have a very big God
Oluwa oluwa e to bi e to bi o e to bi o e to bi o Oluwa oluwa e to bi e to bi o e to bi o you are so big Ko se ni ta le fi sakawe re o e tobi o no no no no nobody but you Ko se ni ta le fi sakawe ko se ni ta le fi sakawe re o e tobi o ye eeeee
Lift up your heads o ye gates And be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors And the king of glory shall come in Who is this king of glory The lord strong and mighty
My God is stronger stronger He’s wiser wiser He’s bigger bigger He’s greater greater Oh oh oh e to bi o e to bi o
Your God is stronger stronger He’s wiser wiser Bigger bigger God is great greater ye Oh oh oh, e to bi o somebody you gotta believe
Your God is stronger stronger God is wise wiser He’s bigger bigger God is great greater Oh oh oh e to bi o e e e hallelujah
DOWNLOAD SONG Sing Halleluyah by Sammie Okposo Mp3 Download Get this song by Sammie Okposo titled Sing Halleluyah. Sammie Okposo (30 May 1971 – 25 November 2022) was a Nigerian gospel artist. Okposo was also a music producer, psalmist, and CEO […]