Get this song by Salif Keita titled Lony. Salif Keïta is a Malian singer-songwriter, referred to as the “Golden Voice of Africa”. He is a member of the Keita royal family of Mali. The song will make your playlist if love good music.
Use the link below to stream and download Lony by Salif Keita.
Lyrics of Lony by Salif Keita
Dounugna tene na, dounugna tene na Dounugna. Dounugna tono ya lohmba leyé, Et dounugna tene ah dounugna tene.
Dounugna tene na, dounugna tene na Dounugna. Dounugna tono ya lohmba leyé, Et dounugna tene ah dounugna tene.
Lou sini loutilema louba do sigikedia tilema nala yahaha Dougou sini doutilema dougouba do sigikedia tilema nala yahaha Anh sini manssah lema Anh sini manssahlema dougna me sigini famabalema mfebe manssahfonisereeeee
Djenfah fedoye kabakodo ninediblobira djouba damafada dongnana daba damakaro doba nakè kounani falonbaliake…
GIÉ… miri magni netora kélenamiri domafa lodö kokanco kono kassiranah kolong kono ni mounefou neyé? Ako yyé medofo damamirila. I tê dougou koda ke sona sabaradi ka samara damati kouna fouladi kebereke damafanaki tamalike limanaya
Dounugna tene na, dounugna tene na Dounugna. Dounugna tono ya lohmba leyé, Et dounugna tene ah dounugna tene. ÈAllah karamo tmdr lony tono kaboh tmdr éallah karamolé tmdr allahlla lony tono bohba tmdr, yedein lokado sasolondy allahlla yedeinloh tono kabo tmdr éallah karamolé tmdr allahlla lony tono kabo tmdr nisera sadamaya lã molou djony kera sobrolylanfah tmdr
DOWNLOAD SONG Sina by Salif Keita Mp3 Download Get this song by Salif Keita titled Sina. Salif Keïta is a Malian singer-songwriter, referred to as the “Golden Voice of Africa”. He is a member of the Keita royal family of […]