Get this song by Neon Adejo titled Onyenemema. Neon Adejo Yunisa, better known by the stage name Neon Adejo is a Nigerian gospel singer, songwriter and worship leader well known for the hit song “Eze Ebube”. The song will make your playlist if love good music.
Use the link below to stream and download Onyenemema by Neon Adejo.
Lyrics Of Onyenemema by Neon Adejo
Onyenememma You’re so good to me You are Wonderful Undefeatable uuhuu Your blessings upon me it’s uncountable Oh it’s everywhere and for everyone Sing Greater Onyenememma You’re so good to me You are Wonderful Undefeatable Ehhyy Your blessings upon me it’s uncountable Oh it’s everywhere and for everyone
For all You’ve done for me-e yeah For all You’ve done for me For everybody won everybody won I give You all the praise I give You all the praise As I behold Your Face God ehh as I behold Your Face The Beauty of Your Grace Beauty of Your Grace Be-comes my reality is my reality
For all You’ve done for me-e for all You’ve done for me Everybody won everybody won I give You all the praise I give You all the praise As I behold Your Face as I behold Your Face The Beauty of Your Grace Beauty of Your Grace Is my reality becomes my reality e-e-e-e yeah ah ahh
Onyenemema Onyenemema You’re so good to me You are Wonderful You are Wonderful Undefeatable Undefeatable Your blessings upon me Your blessings upon me it’s uncountable Oh it’s everywhere oh it’s everywhere and for everyone and for everyone Onyenemema Onyenememma ehh ehh ehh ehh ehh yeah You’re so good to me You are Wonderful You are Wonderful Undefeatable Undefeatable Yeah ehh ehh Your blessings upon me Your blessings upon me it’s uncountable Oh it’s everywhere and for everyone
Say thank You thank You For Your Grace thank You Thank You thank You For Your Peace thank You Thank You thank You For Your Mercy thank You Thank You thank You Thank You thank You
I’m alive thank You I’m healed thank You Set free thank You Thank You thank You Thank You thank You Thank You thank You Thank You thank You You You thank You Hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah My soul hallelujah Will sing hallelujah That You are God hallelujah That You are King hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah You are God hallelujah You are good hallelujah You are kind hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah Yeahhhh hallelujah Yeahhhh hallelujah Yeahh ehh hallelujah ehh ehh ehh ehh
Onyenememma You’re so good to me You are Wonderful Undefeatable Your blessings upon me Your blessings upon me cannot count it it’s uncountable cannot count it Oh it’s everywhere and for everyone
Father we thank You Father we thank You Yes we love You yeah ehh ehh ehh ehh ehh You’re so good to me yeah ehh ehh ehh
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