Onye (Here by Your Grace) by Neon Adejo Mp3 Download
Get this song by Neon Adejo titled Onye (Here by Your Grace). Neon Adejo Yunisa, better known by the stage name Neon Adejo is a Nigerian gospel singer, songwriter and worship leader well known for the hit song “Eze Ebube”. The song will make your playlist if love good music.
Use the link below to stream and download Onye (Here by Your Grace) by Neon Adejo.
Lyrics Of Onye (Here by Your Grace) by Neon Adejo
I have seen The lord’s goodness In my life and in my soul He has given me Everything I need and more
I have seen The lord’s goodness In my life and in my soul He has given me Everything I need and more
Onye na bia ozo (the soon coming King) Onweghi onye Dikagi (There’s no one like you) Okaka (mighty one) Chineke le’igwe (God of heaven) Onweghi Onye dikagi (There’s no one like you)
It’s amazing How you’re always here Through the good and the bad Oh my soul Forever give you praise Hallelujah
Onye na bia ozo (the soon coming king) Onweghi onye Dikagi (There’s no one like you) Okaka (Mighty one) Chineke le’igwe (God of heaven) Onweghi Onye dikagi (There’s no one like you)
I’m here by grace Saved by your mercy All that I am Is all you have made me
Onye na bia ozo (the soon coming king) Onweghi onye Dikagi (There’s no one like you) Okaka (Mighty one) Chineke le’igwe (God of heaven) Onweghi Onye dikagi (There’s no one like you)
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