Get this song by Judikay titled Elohim. Judith Kanayo-Opara, better known by her stage name Judikay is a Nigerian gospel singer, songwriter and worship leader. She gained popularity for her 2019 single “More than Gold”. She released her first single, “Nobody Else”, in 2013 The song will make your playlist if love good music.
Use the link below to stream and download Elohim by Judikay.
Lyrics Of Elohim by Judikay
You have, You are, You will always be You are my God, You are my God You have, You are, You will always be You are my God, You are my God
Elohim, Elohim, You are Elohim Who was and is and is to come, Elohim Who was and is and is to come, Elohim You have
You have, You are, You will always be You are my God, You are my God You have, You are, You will always be You are my God, You are my God
Elohim, Elohim, You are Elohim Who was and is and is to come, Elohim Who was and is and is to come, Elohim Sing Elohim Elohim, Elohim, You are Elohim Who was and is and is to come, Elohim Who was and is and is to come, Elohim
Thou hath worthy, oh Lord To receive all of the glory, honor and power For Thou hath created all things for Thy pleasure (pleasure) Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come, Elohim Who was and is and is to come, Elohim Say Jesus Jesus, Jesus, You are Jesus Who was and is and is to come, Jesus Who was and is and is to come, Jesus
You are my advocate, You are (Jesus) You are the Prince of Peace, You are (Jesus) The fount that can’t run dry, You are (Jesus) You are the Chief Corner-Stone, You are (Jesus) The perfect sacrifice, You are, You are (Jesus) You are the perfect sacrifice (Jesus)
Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb (Jesus) Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb (Jesus) To the Lion and the Lamb, we say glory To the Lion and the Lamb, we say worthy (Jesus)
Worthy is the Lamb, glory to the Lamb Honor to the Lamb (Jesus) Worthy, worthy, worthy to the Lamb Glory, glory to the Lamb (Jesus) Honor to the Lamb You are Jesus, who was and is and is to come (Jesus) Who was and is and is to come (Jesus), Jesus Good shepherd, Jesus, You are Jesus (Jesus)
You have, You are, You will always be You are my God, You are my God Worthy is the Lamb Glory to the Lamb
            DOWNLOAD SONG I Worship (Spontaneous) by Judikay Mp3 Download Get this song by Judikay titled I Worship (Spontaneous). Judith Kanayo-Opara, better known by her stage name Judikay is a Nigerian gospel singer, songwriter and worship leader. She gained popularity for […]