Get this song by Jah Prayzah titled Eriya. Mukudzeyi Mukombe, better known as Jah Prayzah, is a Zimbabwean contemporary musician and lead member of the band Third Generation. The song will make your playlist if love good music.
Use the link below to stream and download Eriya by Jah Prayzah.
Hiya hiya hiya hiya hiya yera yera yera munengoni Yera yera yera munoyera Yera yera yera munoyera Yera yera yera munoyera Yera yera yera munoyera Nekuti munengoni Yera yera yera munoyera Yera yera yera munoyera
Achasimuka mutendi weZion Ndewe Zion
Hona takokorodzana Hona chaunga Hukama taumba Kwedu tinodzana kana kutamba tinogona Tarisa magwaro tigobvumirana kuti gumba riya ranga rina Erija
Kweeee here kwe kwe ngoro yevatsvene Chinguri tambinda munzira tinosvika here Kweeee here kwe kwe ngoro yevatsvene Chinguri tambinda munzira tinosvika here Kweeee here kwe kwe ngoro yevatsvene Chinguri tambinda munzira tinosvika here Kweeee here kwe kwe ngoro yevatsvene Chinguri tambinda munzira tinosvika here
            DOWNLOAD SONG Kumahumbwe by Jah Prayzah Mp3 Download Get this song by Jah Prayzah titled Kumahumbwe. Mukudzeyi Mukombe, better known as Jah Prayzah, is a Zimbabwean contemporary musician and lead member of the band Third Generation. The song will make […]