Dominus Omnium by Frank Edward Mp3 Download
Get this song by Frank Edward titled Dominus Omnium. Frank Ugochukwu Edwards is a Nigerian musician, record producer, sound engineer, worship singer and songwriter from Enugu State. He is the founder and owner of the record label Rocktown Records. The song will make your playlist if love good music.
Use the link below to stream and download Dominus Omnium by Frank Edward.
Lyrics Of Dominus Omnium by Frank Edward
situations bow when I call your name the only living God
that’s who you are and there is no me with out you mighty
one your the son of God amen
rex regum et dominus omnium we worship and adore your majestyall creation they all bow in awe of you your the son of God amen
you paid the price that no man could have paid this lifeI live is nothing without you so I cast my crown before
your majesty your the son of God amen your the son of God
Jesus Jesus Jesus that’s your name the only sacrificethat is enough pater et filius et spiritus your the son of God amen
anyi nenye gi ekele anyi nenye gi otito agu neche mbanwoke onye obi oma your the son of God amen