Get this song by David G titled Imela. David Gbenga, prominently known as David G hails from Kogi state and is the minister of The Amazing Church Int’l (TAC). The song will make your playlist if love good music.
Use the link below to stream and download Imela by David G.
Lyrics Of Imela by David G
Majesty, king of Glory Mighty God, we’ve come to worship you.
Imela oh, king of all the earth Imela oh, ruler of the world Imela oh, wonder working power king of all the earth, we bow before your throne.
Almighty wonder God(that’s who you are) the master of the universe Lilly of the valley, you are the rose of sharon you reign in majesty you rule in every nation you reign in my life I bow before your throne
king of glory(that’s who you are) almighty father, creator of man kind the maker of heaven and earth you are the lion that rules the world the eagle that sits on the throne you reign in your majesty
king of glory, you rule in every nation oh king of glory, you rule in every land you rule in every nation (you rule, you rule) you rule everywhere(you rule, you rule) master of the world, you rule in every land
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