The River Is Here by Bob Fitts Mp3 Download
Get this song by Bob Fitts titled The River Is Here. Bob Fitts is a ministry of worship leading and song writing with an international platform since the early 1970’s. He has recorded albums with Integrity Music and Maranatha! Music, and founded Alabaster Ministries to serve fatherless. The song will make your playlist if love good music.
Use the link below to stream and download The River Is Here by Bob Fitts.
Lyrics of The River Is Here by Bob Fitts
And it brings refreshing wherever it goes
Through the valleys and over the fields
The river is rushing, the river is here
Sets our feet to dancing
The river of God
Fills our hearts with cheer
The river of God
Fills our mouths with laughter
And we rejoice for the river is here
Oh and we rejoice for the river is here
We rejoice for the river is here
Shout hallelujah
Shout hallelujah
Hallelujah woo
Glory bask in the river of your love