Sure Foundation by Bob Fitts Mp3 Download
Get this song by Bob Fitts titled Sure Foundation. Bob Fitts is a ministry of worship leading and song writing with an international platform since the early 1970’s. He has recorded albums with Integrity Music and Maranatha! Music, and founded Alabaster Ministries to serve fatherless. The song will make your playlist if love good music.
Use the link below to stream and download Sure Foundation by Bob Fitts.
Lyrics Of Sure Foundation by Bob Fitts
The Lord we are Your children
Chosen and called by Your name
With one heart and purpose we gather
To glorify You and proclaim
That You Lord are our sure foundation
We will not be afraid
When the storm comes we will not be shaken
For by your hand we are saved
O by your hand we are saved
(Repeat verse and chorus)
(Repeat chorus twice)
For by your hand we are saved
For by your hand we are saved
For by your hand we are saved